Episode III: Revenge of the SLOG
"Programming is easy" said no one ever. Actually, I just made that up, but maybe some people do find it relatively easy. The hardest part is everything sounds good on paper (or screen in this case). Everything should work, but sometimes it just doesn't. I've had times like this, where I just stare at an error for hours on end and have no idea what to make of it. Turns out I forgot a semi-colon.
Nothing's easy at first, but even a thousand-mile journey starts with a single step. Lao Tzu said something like that, I bet he could've been a super cool programmer. Anyways in order to understand how to program, how to design a function; one must BE the function, FEEL the function, FLOW with the function. Function is teacher, mother, and secret lover.
It's a good idea to start with what exactly you want the function to do. What is the purpose of this function? Give it an existential crisis. Generally, useful functions have inputs and outputs. The output is always in relation to the input in some way. For example, imagine a function that adds two numbers. The output would be the sum of the two inputs, that is the function's expression. At first start with hard-coded inputs, i.e. 2 and 3. 2 and 3 will give you 5, the function added 2 and 3. Now that you understand how the function can manipulate the data given, determine if there can be any variation. In this case, 2 and 3 are the inputs, but they can vary- 3 and 4, or 67 and 50, etc. With variables as inputs, the function becomes more dynamic, and can perform under multiple scenarios. That is the basics of designing a function.
For any newbies that want to take any computer programming course, it's hard to prepare yourself beforehand. Not everyone can grasp all the concepts, or memorize all the preset functions of a language. All that matters it that you tried. During the course, an initiative to learn, discover, and try new things will always succeed. Basic understandings of logistics and mathematics will also contribute to a smoother start. Review and familiarizing the contents learned in class can go a long way. Many concepts in computing principles remains relevant to a lot of courses, so start coding!
Yeah, I'm done for the day, I really need a nap. I think I woke up at 10am today w/ 10 hours of sleep the night prior, and still feel like fecal matter. Anyways, this was a fun course and I really had fun! Would recommend to my fun friends (2) and their fun family.
""Fun/fun" - IGN"
- Lao Tzu
Nothing's easy at first, but even a thousand-mile journey starts with a single step. Lao Tzu said something like that, I bet he could've been a super cool programmer. Anyways in order to understand how to program, how to design a function; one must BE the function, FEEL the function, FLOW with the function. Function is teacher, mother, and secret lover.
It's a good idea to start with what exactly you want the function to do. What is the purpose of this function? Give it an existential crisis. Generally, useful functions have inputs and outputs. The output is always in relation to the input in some way. For example, imagine a function that adds two numbers. The output would be the sum of the two inputs, that is the function's expression. At first start with hard-coded inputs, i.e. 2 and 3. 2 and 3 will give you 5, the function added 2 and 3. Now that you understand how the function can manipulate the data given, determine if there can be any variation. In this case, 2 and 3 are the inputs, but they can vary- 3 and 4, or 67 and 50, etc. With variables as inputs, the function becomes more dynamic, and can perform under multiple scenarios. That is the basics of designing a function.
For any newbies that want to take any computer programming course, it's hard to prepare yourself beforehand. Not everyone can grasp all the concepts, or memorize all the preset functions of a language. All that matters it that you tried. During the course, an initiative to learn, discover, and try new things will always succeed. Basic understandings of logistics and mathematics will also contribute to a smoother start. Review and familiarizing the contents learned in class can go a long way. Many concepts in computing principles remains relevant to a lot of courses, so start coding!
Yeah, I'm done for the day, I really need a nap. I think I woke up at 10am today w/ 10 hours of sleep the night prior, and still feel like fecal matter. Anyways, this was a fun course and I really had fun! Would recommend to my fun friends (2) and their fun family.
""Fun/fun" - IGN"
- Lao Tzu
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