Episode I: The Phantom SLOG

I chose CSC104 because of a few reasons. Personally, I've always wanted to take a computer course- I had some experience with programming back in high school, so I've decided to put those years into use. Plus, I find programming to be very fun! It's like an open canvas, but instead I can code for anything I want. Practically, I believe that understanding computational thinking is very important in today's world, where technology and computers are so prevalent. It should be part of the standard curriculum at this point.

I've always imagined programming to be very difficult, but then again, what isn't? When I started my programming class in high school, we used java. That's when I realized that programming has a lot of trials and errors, I didn't know anything at the time, and so I just had to learn from my errors and teacher. Eventually, I got the hang of it, and programming quickly turned into a small hobby, like painting. So far this course is a refresher for me (the concepts at least, language is different), which at times like these, is very appreciated.

CSC104 is pretty interesting, albeit I feel like the pace can be a bit slow at times, but interesting nonetheless. It's fun to mess around in the CSC104 language on Dr. Racket. Sometimes I'll just try to code as if I'm using java, just to see what is different (spoilers: a lot is different).

The course isn't hard at all, but I have experience from high school. I was expecting the course to be a little challenging, since this is first the first CSC course I've taken. To some extent though, I'm glad I'm not finding this course hard so far.

I study for the quizzes by reviewing the weekly exercises, and then just trying out the codes in Dr. Racket. The results from reviews show, since I'm pretty satisfied with my quiz marks.

I'm interested in AI. It's really cool to see it in the movies, especially in the news. I find it cool that a computer is able to learn, and then process what they've learned into solutions for new scenarios. How do they do it? If it were up to me, I will probably just hard code everything, but I don't that's the point...

- John Doe



  2. Hello,

    I am one of the CSC104 TAs marking your SLOG. Great work so far!

    One note is to include more detail (i.e., by referencing course-specific topics). Do a little bit more reflection time on the questions to add more detail. :)

    Otherwise, keep up the great work!



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