Episode II: Attack of the SLOGs
I prepare for the quizzes by reviewing the notes I've made in class, and doing the weekly practices. For the midterm, I did the same thing, including practicing with the past midterms. So far this strategy is effective, as I am quite satisfied with my midterm and quiz marks. I honestly think this course is more practical than conceptual- the more practice problems you do, the better you will understand. There were a couple of images that I've made, which I found really cool. One of them is the Sierpinski triangle, I just really love the recursive element. Continuing with the recursive theme, I messed around with some other expressions, and managed to get some pretty neat recursive images. So in this example, pretty simple yet cool use of recursion. I got this cloning function which also scales the image down at each interval (kind of gives it the illusion of distance...). Anyways, so far nothing in the course felt too intimidating, although recursion was a bit confu...